Court Program

Court Program
Connect Domestic Violence and Abuse Helpline
Men's Resource Line
Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter
Child, Youth and Family Therapy
Court Program
Community Services Counselling
Healthy Relationships Program
Men’s Counselling Service
Take a Stand Initiative
Men &
The Court Program provides navigation of the court system and support for individuals who have or are currently experiencing family violence and abuse. The Court Case Coordinator will increase the client preparedness to interact with the court system and refer clients to the appropriate professionals to assist in their journey with the court system. The Court Case Coordinator will provide information, referrals, safety planning for court, explore options, preparation and debriefing and attend court with client, if possible.
The Court Case Coordinator:
- Provides a single point of entry to the multitude of legal and court services available to clients
- Will assist women to explore their options, providing as much information as needed so that the client can make the best choice for herself and family
- Assists clients to connect with legal advice, duty counsel, court workers, Crown Prosecutors, and police as needed.
- Provides information about navigating the legal/court system.
- Accompanies clients to legal and court appointments.
- Gives referrals to appropriate legal assistance.
- Assists clients with applications, connect with process servers, and file documents.
- Ensures client’s non-legal needs are also met.
To access the Court Program or other appropriate services, call our free Connect Domestic Violence and Abuse Helpline at 403-234-SAFE (7233) to speak with a counsellor.

403-234-SAFE (7233)