Escape and Safety Planning
Do you have a plan to keep yourself and your loved ones safe?
We can help with that.
Our trained counsellors are available anytime to assist help you create a safety plan.
Connect Domestic Violence and Abuse Helpline:
403-234-SAFE (7233)
Toll-free: 1-866-606-SAFE (7233)
TTY: 403-262-2768
What to pack, just in case
Some people have found it useful to pack a bag to take in case they have to leave quickly. You may want to hide your items in a secret location or at the home of someone you trust.
Most people keep their safety plan secret and only tell people they absolutely trust.
Some items to pack in your bag include:
Special toys and comforts for your children
A secret personal bank account with a bank card
Medication and medical records or prescriptions
Meaningful photos (photo of children, abusive partner)
Photos or copies of important documents for you and your children:
Lease/rental or mortgage agreements
Driver’s License, registration and insurance
Divorce papers
Custody documents
Restraining orders
Marriage certificate
Work permits
Birth certificates
School records
Vaccination records
Welfare identification
Photocopies of credit cards
Healthcare cards
Social Insurance
Extra copies of keys
A list of items to come back for if you flee, and cash
A purse or wallet (kept nearby so they can be easily accessed) should contain keys to your car, office and house; bank and credit cards; healthcare cards; social insurance card; driver’s license, registration and insurance; up-to-date phone contacts, photos of your children and abusive partner, and cash.
You may want to consider the following:
What do I say if get caught preparing to leave?
Should you tell a neighbour to call the police if they hear suspicious noises?
What are the best ways to get out of the house?
Should you set up a code word with your children? It tells them to go to a safe place if there is potential danger.
What if I need to leave everything behind?
If you have to leave everything behind, we can help you find a place to go. Whether you stay at the Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter, or another available place, we will help ensure you have the essentials for a fresh start.
If needed, the police may be able to escort you back home to gather any items left behind.
Everyone’s circumstances are different
Your situation is unique, and so are your needs. Please contact us so we can help you stay safe.
Connect Domestic Violence and Abuse Helpline:
403-234-SAFE (7233)
Toll-free: 1-866-606-SAFE (7233)
TTY: 403-262-2768