Healthy Relationships Program

Healthy Relationships Program
Connect Domestic Violence and Abuse Helpline
Men's Resource Line
Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter
Child, Youth and Family Therapy
Court Program
Community Services Counselling
Healthy Relationships Program
Men’s Counselling Service
Take a Stand Initiative
Men &
FearIsNotLove offers help for young people
In local schools. In the community. Virtually. And by phone.
We know youth may be experiencing struggles in their close relationships, and may feel like they would like to talk to someone about these challenges. This is why we enable youth aged 12 and older to access judgment-free counselling in schools where it’s convenient (parental consent is still required).
Changing the conversation about the disrespect, abuse and violence that can happen in close relationships means engaging our younger community members and giving them an opportunity to talk about their relationships with a counsellor who will help to highlight their strengths, responses and abilities.
Who it’s for
Offered in senior high schools, in collaboration with the Calgary Board of Education. On occasion counselling can also be offered in other locations in the community.
The Healthy Relationships Program is designed for youth who:
- Are 12 and older
- Are concerned about healthy dating relationships
- Have difficulty maintaining healthy dating relationships or have experienced abusive behaviour in dating
- Are concerned about violence within the family or the potential of violence within the family
- Have experienced conflict and/or abuse within the family
- Have struggled to create or maintain healthy relationships with others at school, at home, or in the community
How counselling works
Counselling sessions are offered in-person, through virtual technology, and over the phone.
Fear is not okay in relationships
FearIsNotLove is a standard that everyone, especially young people, can use to assess the health of their relationships. Through education, counselling and support of young people in our community, we can help youth to have respectful, healthy relationships now and in their futures.
Is this a good fit for you?
You’ll find new allies here. We get what you’re going through and we’re eager to listen.
This is a blame-free, judgement-free zone. We stand shoulder to shoulder with you. We’ve got your back and we’re here to help you.
We get a lot of relationship questions from students like you:
“What exactly is a toxic relationship? How do I know if I am in one?”
“What do you think about ‘frenemies’… can you actually be a friend and an enemy?”
“When someone is asking me constantly about what I’m doing, my friend says they are controlling. But where is the line? Don’t some people just ask a lot of questions?”
“Why don’t my parents get the pressure I am under? That I can only take so much?”
“Drama… Why I am always to blame for the drama?”
Having someone to talk to about your relationships with friends, parents or dating partners can help.
Contact us for help
Youth can connect with their school’s guidance counsellor for a direct referral or alternatively, contact us directly at
They can also call us:
Connect Domestic Violence and Abuse Helpline: 403.234.SAFE (7233), text 403.604.6689, or email
Toll-free: 1.866.606.SAFE (7233)
TTY: 403.262.2768
Teachers, guidance counsellors and other agencies: You may also refer youth to the program, however youth themselves must agree that they would like to participate in counselling.
Partner Schools
Bowness High School
Cochrane High School
EP Scarlet High School
Forrest Lawn High School
Henry Wisewood High School
Jack James High School
James Fowler High School
John G. Deifenbaker High School
Lord Beaverbrook High School
Many Horses High School
Nelson Mandela High School
Queen Elizabeth High School
Robert Thirsk High School
Any student can access one-on-one counselling.