Men’s Resource Line

Men’s Resource Line
Connect Domestic Violence and Abuse Helpline
Men's Resource Line
Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter
Child, Youth and Family Therapy
Court Program
Community Services Counselling
Healthy Relationships Program
Men’s Counselling Service
Take a Stand Initiative
Men &
Get help when you’re ready
The Men’s Resource Line can help you with your life’s challenges. If you have reached a point where you feel it is time to get support, we are here to help. We create a non-judgemental, supportive working relationship to explore concerns and develop and implement solutions that change behaviour. Dignity and respect are fundamental underlying principles for all of our work.
Call 1-833-327-MENS (6367) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for help and support from one of our skilled and trained counsellors. The counsellor can answer your questions and support you in accessing the right services to help you with your unique challenges. We can connect you with support and resources that match your needs.

Men’s Resource Line: 1-833-327-MENS (6367)